Beneos Spell Pack: Paladin
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Beneos Spell Pack: Paladin!
Holy custodians of righteousness, or sinister harbingers of the dark playing the role of the stalwart defender of any dungeon delving party. Even more so if they have Beneos Spell Cards in their repertoire. This spell pack provides 12 unique, yet balanced Paladin spells to enhance your Dungeons and Dragons 5e adventures. Each spell has been embellished on one of our special Beneos cards, accessible on your Foundry VTT on print for your on table sessions.
The Spell Pack includes following spells:
- Bladevow: To fell your foes, you take on a vow and enhance your fighting capabilities until either of you perish.
- Blessed Battleground: You sanctify the very ground you walk on to even the most illusive of fiends feel the cut of your blade.
- Blood Rain: By sacrificing your very lifeforce, you mend your ally's wounds and inflict them upon your enemy with a bloody rain falling from heaven.
- Cavalcade: You lead the charge and your allies follow on summoned steeds.
- Chalice of Charity: Lay on Hands, one of your most integral abilities, shared with your party.
- Death Oath: Avenge your very own death...
- Desperate Plea: Extend your repertoire of spells for a fraction of time.
- Ironclad: Bind your armour to your very essence.
- Onwards!: Your powerful voice thunders throughout the battlefield, ordering your allies to advance.
- Raise Banner: Your plant your banner, extending your very presence to your allies further away.
- Shield Wall: A radiant shield expands your vigil and protects your allies at the cost of mobility.
- Shoulder the Burden: A coward dies a thousand times, but the valiant taste of death but once.

Foundry Integration for Spells:
- Optimized for seamless use with pre-configured templates and dice rolls
- Accessible via Beneos Search Engine or from a Compendium
- Easily distributed to players or npcs per drag & drop directly into their character sheets