Ultimate Bundle: Cities and Villages [60% OFF]
Ultimate Bundle: Cities and Villages!
From the snug and comfy village to the bustling metropolis, most TTRPG campaigns feature at least one settlement of any kind as either part of the adventure, or a place to relax and recharge. Luckily, this bundle includes dozens of 3d animated battlemaps and sceneries for any kind of settlement!
The "Ultimate Bundle: Cities and Villages" includes:
Fantasy City & Sewers:
- One of our oldest releases. This pack includes a multitude of medieval fantasy city battlemaps and an entire sewer system for your level 1 party to kill rats in on top!

The Town of Vallaki: (Curse of Strahd compatible!)
- Actually five releases in a trench-coat, we offer you the entire town of Vallaki which is part of the Curse of Strahd adventure module for Dungeons & Dragons as part of this bundle! Included are the Bluewater Inn, the Burgomaster's and Watcher's houses, the Coffinmaker's Shop, the Orphanage, the town's streets and a town map as 3D animated battlemaps and sceneries! Of course, you can use these maps for any adventure of your liking.
- Modular Tavern: (Curse of Strahd compatible!)
- Inspired by the 'Blood of the Vine' Curse of Strahd tavern, this modular set of 3D animated battlemaps and sceneries is the best fit for your party's next and all following tavern visits! Each map can be put together into multiple different sets and features a horror themed mirror-version you can use for your more eerie adventures!

- Modular Streets & Shop:
- Another modular release to put together to your liking. This release features a variety of streets and market squares, as well as four different shops to fill your streets with! Included is a smithy, an alchemist's shop, a general store, and a toy shop!
- City of Widowhall:
- Imposing structures build in Gothic architecture tower over the streets of Widowhall. This modular city offers a more urbanized experience for your TTRPG adventures, featuring two entirely different districts with their own unique vibes.
- The Headisport Harbour:
- The Headisport Harbour is really a collection of several huge harbour town and coastal maps for your TTRPG adventure. We're especially proud of the high quality water animations and the sheer size and detail put into the harbour nearby coast.

- Haunted Village:
- Forsaken by anyone but the undead haunting it, this village is in desperate need for a courageous band of adventurers who will rid the village of its spooky curse! Perfect for a more dark and eerie campaign!
- A Pair of Black Antlers Tavern: (Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus compatible!)
- Set within the bustling city of Elturel, this tavern is a hub is the perfect place to meet up for your upcoming adventures! Just beware not to pay the tavern a visit the wrong time, as the tavern adjusts to the hellscapes of Avernus as the city gets pulled into the infernal plane.

- The Arcane Library:
- The dream of any spellcaster, this library is a magical place of wisdom and learning. Three stories high, including the library's glassy roof, this library fits perfectly into any city that declares itself as 'wizard-friendly'.
The bundle in numbers:
- 89 3D Animated Battlemaps & Sceneries!
- 317 Player Handouts!
- 14 Fully Animated Intro Sequences
- 23,89 Gigabyte of content!
Exclusive FoundryVTT Integration and MP4 files inteded for table-play:
This bundle includes MP4 filed battlemaps and sceneries intended for table play, and files for Foundry VTT integration! While either versions are 3D Animated, the MP4 versions are intended to be shown on your TV or any other screen during your in person adventures at the gaming table. The VTT integrated map on the other hand offers exclusive connectivity between the maps, as well as other features to make your life as the DM as easy as possible. To learn how to integrate the files with your Foundry VTT, click here!
Disclaimer for Curse of Strahd & Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus content:
While compatible with the Curse of Strahd and Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus modules, the original modules are required for the official map art, character images and description texts.